Artist Bio

My internal monologue can be intense most days. The louder it grows, the more I find that my moments of peace are being forced. Euphoria and bliss are what I crave in these times of need. Immersing myself in nature, music and arts festival culture, dancing, traveling, art community, and art making allows me to take steps out of reality and drive my inspiration to create in the ways that i do. Pure bliss is hard to achieve, but my creative process helps me keep a the present mind that i need to find it.

The process through which i create my art allows my built up anxious thought to turn into energy that is released into a physical visual form that represents my journey to understanding tranquility of mind. Living in agreement with nature and daily asking myself “what do I want from this experience?” is a practice I explore in my art and life. I learned this process from studying stoicism, a philosophy that encourages maximizing positive emotions rather than negative ones, allowing one to find their virtues of character. This has helped me ground myself and feel more connected to my artwork and the world I live in. Dwelling on or ignoring the build up of negativity, self doubt, and anxious thought grinds away the soul. Suppression became my unwanted friend for years, unfortunately leading to emotions getting buried beneath layers self doubt. The process and creation of each work that I produce represents a release of those buried emotions, and the difficult journey of embracing a virtuous spirit, a journey I am still on today. My work becomes a physical and spiritual form representing the euphoric sensation I receive from the moments in which I am able to step out of the chaos of life and experience bliss.